The weldability of TCS corrosion resistant stainless steel for railway wagon was investigated by cold cracking sensitivity test, HAZ maximum hardness test and varestraint test. 通过冷裂敏感性试验、焊接热影响区最高硬度试验及可调拘束试验,对新型铁路车辆用TCS耐蚀钢的焊接性进行了深入系统分析。
The corrosion resistant test research of GFRP anchor arm under acid-base environment GFRP锚杆在酸碱环境下的耐腐蚀性试验研究
Sources of billet is mainly composed of baosteel, Japan suzuki, etc, we can supply enterprises provide special industrial department use stainless steel corrosion resistant and materials. 钢坯来源主要是由宝钢、日本铃木等企业供应,能为各工业部门提供特殊用途的不锈耐蚀和耐热的不锈钢材料。
Oxidation kinetics of Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu corrosion resistant alloy Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu合金的氧化动力学研究
Alloying element have an effect on corrosion resistant properties of cast brass 合金元素对铸造黄铜耐腐蚀性能的影响
Regulator shall be corrosion resistant, compact and lightweight. 这种调节阀应该是耐腐蚀的,紧凑的和轻型的。
The results demonstrate that droplet coating which can prepare the composition-controllable coating is a promising way for magnesium surface protection by the available corrosion resistant materials. 这个结果说明,通过熔滴涂覆技术,可以制备成分可控的涂层,为利用现有耐蚀耐磨材料进行镁合金的表面防护提供了可能性。
Used for filling, sanding, adhesion and corrosion resistant properties. 又称为填料,填充,打磨,附着,防腐等性质。
Impact and corrosion resistant Polypropylene construction. 抗冲击、耐腐蚀的聚丙烯材料结构。
Choosing diaphragm material is decided by different performance of corrosion resistant that the measured medium required. 可根据测量介质对耐腐蚀性能的不同要求而选用不同材质的膜片。
Our galvanized insect screening enjoys good property of Flexible, corrosion resistant, easy cleaning and keeping forms. 我厂生产的镀锌窗纱价格合理,具有韧性好、耐腐蚀、易清洁、不易变形等特性。
They also adopt fibreglass reinforced plastics undercoat and corrosion resistant glass-flake coating lately. 近年来又采用了玻璃纤维增强塑料内涂层、玻璃鳞片耐腐蚀涂料。
The mechanism of P-RE combined action improving atmospheric corrosion resistant performance of iron and steel material was studied. 本文主要研究P-RE复合作用提高钢铁材料耐大气腐蚀性的机理。
Corrosion resistant 304 stainless steel body for long life field dependability. 耐腐蚀304不锈钢阀体,使用寿命更长,现场应用更可靠。
The largest diameter stainless, heat-resistant, wear-resistant steel, high temperature, precision, high-pressure corrosion resistant alloy seamless tubes manufacturing company. 中国最大口径不锈、耐热、耐磨钢、高温、精密、耐蚀合金高压无缝管制造公司。
Classification, Corrosion Resistant& Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel 不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性不锈钢材及耐热钢材标准对照表
Piston: Single piece, stainless steel design, corrosion resistant with magnetic sensing band standard all sizes. 活塞:单件,不锈钢设计,抗腐蚀与磁感应带标准的各种规模的抵抗。
Corrosion resistant SS fluid passages, Air Control Valve in Ergonomic handle, with new MAXIMUM DELIVERY air nozzles. 耐腐蚀不锈钢流体通道,空气控制阀在人体工程学手柄,最大的传送与新空气喷嘴在行业后面。
The construction of the shell and internal supports of the Gas Phase Carbon Adsorption System are fabricated of corrosion resistant fiberglass. 气体活性炭吸附系统的壳体和内部支撑是由耐腐蚀的玻璃纤维构成的。
Titanium is lightweight yet has superior strength and is corrosion resistant. 轻量化的钛合金,有较佳的强度及更好的防蚀能力。
Corrosion Resistant Coatings of Steel Structures in Marine Atmospheric Environment and Their Quick Testing Method 海洋大气环境下钢结构耐腐蚀涂装体系及耐蚀性快速测定
Corrosion resistant and highly intensive titanium centrifuges are selected to well meet the requirements. 选用耐腐蚀与强度高的钛材离心机,较好地满足使用要求。
It is better to go for stainless steel as it is corrosion resistant. 因为它抗腐蚀,为不锈钢去最好的。
High corrosion resistant performance and surface decoration effect; 具有高效的防腐蚀性能和表面装饰作用。
Microstructure and Properties of CO_2 Corrosion Resistant Low Cr Pipeline Steels 抗CO2腐蚀低Cr管线钢组织和性能研究
They feature a cast corrosion resistant body in304 or316 stainless steel. 这种阀门的特点在于其铸造耐腐蚀304或316不锈钢阀体。
All interior fastening devices shall be concealed and corrosion resistant. There shall be no exposed screws. 所有的内部连接装置都需隐藏布置和抗腐蚀。没有外露的螺钉。